We all want our bodies to look and feel great. If you find that you have a bit of extra flab but want to lose weight and tone up one concern you may have is how to keep your boobs and butt as you lose weight.
Maintaining your cup size and shape of your breasts and preventing a flat, also known as a mom butt, can difficult especially if you have a lot of weight or excess fat to lose.
There are some proven tips to help retain the size of your breasts and shape of your butt having a direct impact your overall body fat and promoting a healthy weight loss for the rest of your body.
Sounds easy right? Unfortunately, no. This particular part of your body is shaped mostly by fat. This means as you lose fat you also lose your breasts. The good news is there are things you can do to help fight the shrinking of your breasts and help keep the sake you know and love.
How Do Boobs React When Losing Weight?
When our bodies burn off fat we really have no control over where that fat comes off from. This can be frustrating for many women who have grown to love their curves and suddenly discover them shrinking away faster than less desirable parts of their bodies.
This disappointment is a common problem for women being left with saggy breasts from the loose skin left behind. For women with a larger chest area to begin with, reduction leaving smaller breasts and stretch marks can be an issue.

Why Do Your Boobs Get Smaller When You Lose Weight?
When you lose weight your boobs get smaller due to the loss of breast fat which is primarily fatty tissue. Our bodies all burn off fat at different rates and the rate of our fat loss can vary from one body part to the next.
Generally, the first fat to come off is that last fat you stored because it is easier to break down and remove from the body. Breasts are often the last place a woman gains fat making them one of the first places to see fat burn off.
Does Rapid Weight Loss Make Your Boobs Sag More?
Sadly yes, crash diets can lead to large breasts sagging more than a slow steady weight loss. This goes for skin all over the body. When we too much weight too fast our skin can not keep up with shrinking down and tends to sag from stretching.
Breasts have another struggle when it comes to sagging skin. They often have a heavier weight to them than the loose skin on other areas of the body. This extra weight pulls downward leading to even more sagging in your skin.
Can You Do Anything Special To Keep Your Boobs Perky?
Aside from a breast augmentation, there are some steps you can take to keeping your breasts perky or at least perkier than they would be if you had not made the effort. This can be done through a healthy diet, and exercises such as body weight and upper body chest work to build the muscles underneath the breasts.
Follow a healthy diet plan.
For healthy perky breasts, a balanced diet includes healthy fats, complex carbs and lean protein. Supplementing with a good quality protein shake like this 1st Phorm protein powder will be a good idea.
Drink more water.
Staying hydrated is an all around important thing for better health, including skin health. Many people don’t realize how much water it takes to stay hydrated, so make sure to do some reading on how much water you should drink to prevent dehydration.
Take a collagen supplement.
Did you know our body reduces the collagen production in our 20s and continues to reduce until it stops producing it all together in our 40s. This is why we begin to show the most wrinkles and loose skin in our 40s. Taking collagen daily will benefit the elasticity in your skin as well as other advantages like joint health which can reduce joint pain.
Go slow with the weight loss.
While it can be encouraging to lose weight fast it can make it hard for your skin to keep up leading to excess sagging. Most often when weight loss happens too fast (more than 2 lbs a week) from not eating the right diet, or not enough protein for weight loss to lose fat instead of losing muscle tone. Take your weight loss slow and steady to allow your skin’s elasticity to work. This is important for the entire body, not just your breasts.
Build the muscles in your chest.
A woman’s breasts sit on top of the pectoral muscles. While you can not fully replace lost breast tissue from larger breasts, chest exercises using dumbbells or body weight can help lift breasts so they don’t appear as saggy.

Can Your Breasts Get Bigger When Losing Weight?
For most women, the answer is no, your boobs can not get bigger while losing weight. That said everyone is different and some women have less fat tissue in their breasts so when they start to build muscle on their chests the size of their breasts may appear larger.
How To Lose Weight Without Losing Breast Size
Kettlebell workouts
Kettlebell workouts are great for burning off calories and tend to work muscle groups throughout the body with each move including the chest muscles that help to maintain your breast size as you burn off fat.
Push-ups are simple exercises requiring no equipment anyone can do to start building the pectoral muscles. If you struggle with push-ups try doing them on your knees instead of a plank position, or even on the wall to start. Push up bars can make push-ups easier on the wrists and help promote proper form.

Dumbbell Fly, Shoulder Press, Incline Bench Press
Dumbbells are a great strength training tool that are perfect for simple chest exercises anyone can do. Dumbbells or hand weights are a good, versatile choice of equipment for a home gym. Starting with weights as light as 1 lbs and moving up from there, even the lightest weight can help tone and build as long as you work the muscle to failure.
Sadly there is no such thing as targeted spot reduction or fat loss from only specific areas. While you can tone the muscles in a particular area and do isolation exercises to build muscle tissue, overall weight loss can’t be targeted or prevented.
If you want to keep your breasts and butt full, you will need to build muscle to replace the fat you burn off.
Breast augmentation may be an option for you depending on your goals and personal choice.
It could be a good option to give these suggestions a try for a while. It will take time for skin to tighten up from weight loss as well as building muscle. It won’t be an overnight fix, but be patient and consistent to see results.