Leg day soreness is no joke, especially when stairs are involved! Before I started adding 1st Phorm Ignition to my post-workout protein shakes, my legs still felt sore even after having a few days of rest. Here is my full 1st Phorm Ignition review if you’re looking for something to increase results.
A few years ago I had no idea what 1st Phorm was or the impact they could have on my health and fitness journey.
Overtraining is real, and my muscles seemed to be telling me I was overtraining them. It was frustrating to feel as though I had just worked my legs when it had actually been a week since leg day.
Now that I’m using 1st Phorm Ignition, I feel so much better starting a challenging leg workout knowing my body is ready.

What Does Ignition 1st Phorm Do?
This explanation of what Ignition is and how it works to improve results from weight training is found on the 1st Phorm Blog:
Glycogen is glucose that is stored within the muscle cell that acts as an immediate energy source, essentially serving as “power on demand.” Because resistance training relies on these glycogen stores during intense weight training and depletes them it is important to provide your body with a source of glucose such as Ignition to begin the replenishment process as soon as you can after your training.
During intense training you are not only depleting glycogen stores you are creating microscopic tears in the muscle called micro traumas. The repair of these micro traumas is what causes your muscle to grow back bigger and stronger. You tear it down and it builds back stronger every time. This is what the whole concept of training with weights revolves around.
When Should I Take 1st Phorm Ignition
Ignition is designed to be taken post workout (weights) to begin the glycogen replenishment process.
The most important function of Ignition is that it floods your body with glucose, but along with the large amount of glucose comes an extremely high insulin spike that serves two purposes:
- to stop the catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue and
- to deliver nutrients where they need to go, glucose to the depleted glycogen stores and amino acids (Phormula-1) to the micro traumas for repair
Research has been done that shows this concept (glycogen, insulin & amino acids together) is the most efficient way to begin recovery from an intense weight workout and begin building bigger stronger muscles.
What Does 1st Phorm Ignition Taste Like?
Ignition tastes great! Well, I haven’t tasted it by itself, only with the protein powder I drink after my workout. When added to the protein, it makes the protein shake a little sweeter, which in my opinion is never a bad thing.
You probably wouldn’t care to drink it by itself, it may taste a lot like sugar water.

Do You Have to Use Ignition with Phormula-1?
I add First Phorm Ignition to my post-workout stack after a hard workout that has pushed my muscles. I use Phormula-1 and Ignition and have had excellent results. You don’t have to take them together, but I highly recommend it.
I take Ignition according to directions – 1/2 scoop for women and 1 full scoop for men. There have been workouts when I knew my muscles worked, but not as hard as other times, and in those cases, I only added 1/4 scoop.
I take an average 45 min walk daily (or almost daily) and I do not drink Ignition after. It’s best only taken after weight training, not cardio.
How My Body Reacted
After a couple of days I noticed my legs weren’t aching like I had just worked out when walking up and down the stairs. I was able to exert more energy and effort into my Ignition workout than I had been able to in a long time.
I have noticed an improvement in my body composition since using both the Phormula-1 protein and Ignition as my post-workout nutrition. My muscles are becoming more defined and I’m finally getting rid of some stubborn fat areas.
At this point, I have only been using Ignition for about 6 weeks. I look forward to seeing results after a few more months!
Now, you may be thinking…
Where Do I Purchase Ignition?
Here is a link (affiliate link for free shipping) to get a faster recovery so your workouts aren’t wasted.

Corinne Young
Tuesday 28th of June 2022
I don't think I currently workout hard enough to say that this would make a difference for me personally, but it's good information to have for my future workouts. I had no idea that there was a best post-workout drink!
Stephanie Miller
Tuesday 28th of June 2022
Hi Corinne, So glad to provide helpful info for you! Definitely keep it in mind if you begin to do any strength training to tone muscles - bodyweight exercises or using weights.
Lindsay Branch
Monday 6th of June 2022
Honestly, I don't have any after-workout drinks. I just started lifting weights 3 months ago, so I am really new to all of this. I guess I am scared to add more calories to my diet after I worked so hard to burn them. Maybe I should add one? This whole getting strong & fit is a bit confusing...lol.
Stephanie Miller
Tuesday 28th of June 2022
Hi Lindsay, I completely understand about not knowing about protein shakes. I was brand new to all of this when I started about 10 years ago. The protein shakes I drink only have about 100 calories, but even more important are the benefits of drinking a fast digesting protein after working out. Read some of my protein posts on my website where I explain all of the benefits - it's really so important to our success (especially after 40) to get enough protein daily, and get protein to our muscles quickly after working out. Let me know if you have specific questions I can help you with. stephanie@
Penny Hull
Wednesday 25th of May 2022
I currently use a recovery drink from Herbalife. I can’t say as I notice any improvement. I ran my first marathon 2 1/2 weeks ago and am still having pain. I want to continue running, and I do HIIT 2-3 times a week. But want to start more weight training to get more toned.
Stephanie Miller
Tuesday 28th of June 2022
Penny, Congrats on your marathon! I am not a big runner but I have heard it can take a while to recover from them. In terms of day to day workouts, you would likely feel an improvement in recovery by using Ignition with a fast digesting protein powder in combination, especially as you move into more strength training.
Erynn Bauer
Monday 16th of May 2022
I drink combination of juice-smoothie (pineapple-coconut, mango pineapple, 1-2 scoops collagen protein, almonnnd milk/coconut milk, ice), increase potassium (add banana to smoothie) intake within 1st hour after working out. It does help to reduce leg soreness, but my hamstrings are still very tight of which I have not been able to reduce that tightness.
Stephanie Miller
Tuesday 28th of June 2022
That smoothie sounds delicious! You may want to look into adding a good protein powder to that also to help repair your muscles. (Muscle repair is crucial to toning = higher metabolism = more fat burn) For the tightness, a regular yoga/stretch day instead of a regular workout day would be beneficial. I have struggled with tight hamstrings also. Also, make sure to stretch out well after exercising.