The most common question I receive is, “Why can’t I lose weight”. There are 3 major obstacles that stand in your way to losing weight, especially for women over 40. As women over 40, we have very busy lives. We have grown into habits of running from place to place, taking care of everyone but ourselves.
When you can overcome these obstacles that stand in your way to losing weight, the weight loss happens and a new life enfolds. A life of energy, more self-esteem, a perk in your step that opens up doors you thought closed over a decade ago.
3 Major Obstacles to Losing Weight
1 – Consistent Workout Program
Women over 40 have muscle loss that must be rebuilt and regained. Over the last decade or more, we have focused on many things in our life, personal health hasn’t been one of them. While we once thought we reached our prime in our early thirties, we allowed ourselves to go downhill, accepting the aging process.
That isn’t true! That isn’t the way our 40s and beyond have to be!
We can regain muscle, ramp up metabolism, increase our lung capacity and energy level to levels we thought was only possible at a much younger age!
Through a consistent workout program, all of those things and more are possible.
A well designed workout program will rebuild muscle atrophy. When I first started Beachbody workouts, I vividly remember trying to flex my legs muscles. There was very little muscle tone left. Within weeks of a consistent workout program, I began to see muscle again.
Prior to the Beachbody workouts, I was exercising on my elliptical as well as horseback riding. That wasn’t enough. The Beachbody workouts provided a whole body training that focused on the right muscle group at the right time.
2 – Nutrition
Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight realizes nutrition plays an important role in losing weight and being healthy. However, there are details of nutrition that don’t come easy.
With the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan, you get a list of foods in each category that fit into a good nutrition plan. It takes the gray area out of the picture, giving clear cut lists.
In addition, it comes with containers to help with portion control. Portions have become out of control in restaurants and at home. We believe our plates must be packed full to fill us up.
When the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan is implemented, you realize the value of vegetables as well as the daily requirements. Through the recipes included, your love of healthy foods increases, cravings for junk food dramatically decreases.
It becomes apparent how little good food it takes to fill you up as opposed to junk food.
Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated and you certainly won’t go hungry when eating properly.
3 – Lack of Support
Even when you have the best laid plans, if you are on this journey alone failure is right around the corner.
Making changes can be difficult without proper support and accountability. You may be shocked at how feeling accountable to someone else increases success dramatically.
Sharing recipes, struggles, accomplishments, ideas – all create a sense of teamwork and overall support to sustain you during your period of transition.
This is a long-term solution to health and requires some rewiring of life habits. Make it fun through forming friendships with other women over 40 taking the same journey!
Solution to Obstacles to Losing Weight

Through the participation of a special Facebook Weight Loss Community, all of the obstacles to losing weight can be overcome.
The 3 major obstacles to losing weight will soon be history!
What are your biggest obstacles to losing weight?